Dual Bernoulli Gate
A Bernoulli gate takes a logic signal (trigger or gate) as an input, and routes it to either of its two outputs according to a random coin toss. The knob controls how fair the coin toss is – with the knob in minimal position, the first output always win, with the knob in maximal position the second output always wins – with random fun in-between. And obviously, this bias is CV-controllable!
Branches packs two such gates in a small 6-HP panel. Get a sequencer to randomly skip steps, randomize drum patterns, dispatch events from a sequence to two subpatches, or patch a monster modular Pachinko machine…
Technical characteristics
- Input specifications: 100k impedance, 0.6V threshold.
- Output specifications: 5V HIGH level.
- Response time: 15µs.
- 6-HP.
- Current consumption: +12V: 10mA, -12V: 1mA.